Tag Archives: Pinus pinaster

Award for wood architecture projects

The Center for Higher University Studies of Galicia in collaboration with Pino de Galicia is calling for an award competition for the best architectural projects that use wood as the preferred material in their execution. The first edition of these awards aims to recognize the work of professionals who use wood in their designs, awarding the best projects [ ...]

The scientific-technical meeting of pinaster pine promotes the confluence of scientific research with the operational management of the forest

The Galicia Forestry Association developed during two days a cross-border scientific-technical meeting on Pinus pinaster forests, popularly known as piñeiro do país or piñeiro bravo. The meeting promoted the confluence of scientific research and forest management in Galicia and Northern Portugal, because the event was attended by researchers [...]

Scientific-technical meeting on pinaster pine forests

On March 19 and 20, the Scientific-technical meeting on pinaster pine forests. A debate forum between scientists and forest management professionals with the aim of contributing to the improvement of these forests in Galicia and Portugal. A group of thirty-six experts, scientists and forest management professionals, will jointly analyze during two [...].

Ensaios de resistencia do piñeiro do país á seca

A Asociación forestal de Galicia ven de participar xunto con tres investigadores do Instituto Nacional de Investigación para a Agricultura, a Alimentación e o Medio Ambiente de Francia (INRAE) na recollida de mostras de piñeiro do país (Pinus pinaster) para medir a súa resistencia á seca. Este estudio enmárcase dentro do proxecto FORMANRISK (Xestión forestal […]

Piñeiro do país resistente ao nematodo

O Centro de Investigación Forestal de Lourizán acaba de publicar un tríptico anunciando a dispoñibilidade de planta de piñeiro do país (Pinus pinaster) resistente ao nematodo. No díptico, dispoñible en galego e castelán, infórmase que se seleccionaron un grupo de familias de piñeiro pinaster con alta supervivencia ao nematodo, ademais de presentar unha boa produción […]

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