Tag Archives: Natur-smart

The Fundación Biodiversidad approves the Natur-Smart project in which AFG participates

The Biodiversity Foundation has just approved the project "Conservation of biodiversity through integrated agroforestry management models and the creation of associative networks: Natur-smart", in which the Galicia Forestry Association participates and will be coordinated by the Confederation of Forestry Organizations of Spain (COSE) and will receive a grant of € 1,551,109.96. [...]

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    Rúa do Vilar, nº 33, 1º 15705 Santiago de Compostela
    981 564 011
    Xinzo-Ponteareas offices
    Centro Cultural Xinzo, Portela, nº 34, 36891 Ponteareas.
    986 660 864