The Galicia Forestry Association calls for the eradication of vandalism and uncivil acts that affect private comunal neighborhood forests and individual private forests
Forest spaces are widely used in Galicia as a place for recreation by society. Much of the population makes responsible use of the forest, benefiting from the recreation areas and conditioned routes, but uncivil behavior and acts of vandalism are also maintained that need to be eradicated, as they harm the environment and the people who own the forests.
The abandonment of garbage, especially items that could be managed through clean points, continues to be a daily practice in numerous forest spaces in the community.
Damage to property (damage to signs and elements of leisure areas) is also common, as well as the uncontrolled movement of motor vehicles, mainly all-terrain vehicles, quads and motorbikes, through forest tracks owned by private comunal neighborhood forest owners. This circulation, which is usually done without the proper authorization of the property, causes damage to tracks and to the forest plantations themselves, when off-track circulation occurs, prohibited by law.
The reiteration of uncivil behavior led private comunal neighborhood forest owners in the province of Pontevedra to have a meeting this week with the sub-delegate of the Government, Abel Losada, to whom they handed over a dossier with an explanation and images of the acts of vandalism that the forests are suffering.
The private comunal neighborhood forest owners asked the sub-delegate of the Government for a greater presence of the Seprona in the forest areas, so that a deterrent surveillance is exercised, a service that the Seprona provided years ago, but of which there is less evidence today.
The sub-delegate of the Government committed to the communal owners to analyze the situation with the Civil Guard, in order to adopt the appropriate measures. From the Forestry Association of Galicia we join the request for greater vigilance of the forest and we also appeal to the public to eradicate acts of vandalism and uncivil behaviour.
#CoidemosONoso #CoidemosOMonte
With the aim of publicizing the acts of vandalism and uncivil behavior that are detected in forest areas, the Forestry Association of Galicia encourages the public to share images of complaints on social networks with the tags #CoidemosONoso #CoidemosOMonte.
This campaign also wants to spread the other side of citizen behavior in the forest, that is to say, the enjoyment of nature in a responsible way, with images of leisure areas, paths and routes enabled both in private comunal neighborhood forests and in individual private forests.